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Customer Journey Report

Get familiar with the new customer journey report of Adtriba's new reporting platform

János Moldvay avatar
Written by János Moldvay
Updated yesterday

Since the 18th of June 2020 our new reporting platform is in open beta and accessible for all of our clients. With this new platform we are offering new useful reports and features. In this article we'll focus on the customer journey report and its functionalities.

Columns and Customer Journeys

Each column in the report window determines a unique successful customer journey.

The performance of each customer journey is shown in the KPI chart above.


Conversions: Amount of conversions generated by this particular customer journey

Journey Length: Amount of touchpoints in this customer journey

Revenue: Total of revenue generated by this customer journey

UMM Attribution %: Avg. Attribution Credit weights for UMM touchpoint in this particular CJ

As you can have more than one type of UMM touchpoints you can distinguish the different weightings for each type by hovering over the information icon next to the 'UMM Attribution %' title.

Touchpoints and Cards

Each touchpoint is visualised in one card.

Each card carries different information about the touchpoint and its performance in the particular customer journey.

The % - value on the card tells you the amount of attributed credits which were attributed to this touchpoint in this particular unique journey.

The dot next to the touchpoints name tells you the position of the touchpoint:

turquise = Introducer

blue = Influencer

pink = Closer


  • Per Default we'll always show 10 unique customer journeys in the reporting window

  • The journeys are sorted after the amount of conversions - descending

  • Not all of the 10 CJ are displayed, but you can always use the slidebar/arrows on the right or left side of the report window to slide through all 10 customer journeys

  • Once you want to explore the next 10 customer journeys you can use the pagination in the top right corner of the report window

  • Influencer touchpoints with the same naming (display for example) are aggregated and shown as one card including the count of the aggregated touchpoint.

  • Starting from 2 non-similar Influencer touchpoints we summarize the influencers visually. If you want to see them all you can click on the plus and all touchpoints will be shown.

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