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What requirements should I meet to use SPHERE?
What requirements should I meet to use SPHERE?
János Moldvay avatar
Written by János Moldvay
Updated over 8 months ago

Historic data
As SPHERE is working on the aggregated data, we need a lot of it to get significant and reliable results in your reporting. Hence we'd recommend SPHERE to companies who can provide a history of at least [2 years - 6 months] data in Google Analytics.

Ad Platforms

To really make sure that SPHERE is of any use to you, you should operate on at least 3 different paid marketing sources, such as Google Shopping, Google brand, Google nonbrand, Facebook retargeting, Facebook prospecting, Display retargeting aso.

General requirements

  • You should be able to set up the needed dimensions Adtriba Sphere brand, country and source in

  • Your spend should be at least 50€ per day for each of your sources you want to integrate into Adtriba Sphere.

  • The person who is going to work with Sphere should be familiar with attribution and your different Marketing departments and how they spend + plan their budget.

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