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Extended E-Commerce Tracking
János Moldvay avatar
Written by János Moldvay
Updated over a week ago

The extended e-commerce tracking snippets or so called micro conversions do help our algorithm to calculate reliable conversion weights for each touchpoints.

The micro conversions provide additional information about the touchpoint effectiveness. If a touchpoint drove a user pretty far in the conversion funnel but the following touchpoint only 'closed' the conversion without further onsite interaction, it's obvious what touchpoint provided a greater value to the conversion probability of this journey. Hence the micro conversions prevent affiliates to be overvalued.

Micro conversions are not available in the UI besides in the tracking report. This is the place where you can check if the incoming number of events seem all right. You won't find any micro conversions in other dashboards or exports.

The following snippets needs to be implemented alongside the pageview tag in the respecting events. You can use the snippets for any events that fit your converison funnel, it does not be the exact event necessarily. But please do not change the naming of the event in any case.

Products Searched

 <script type="text/javascript">
    window.adtriba = window.adtriba || [];
    window.adtriba.push(["track", "ProductsSearched", {
        query: "white shoes"

Product Viewed

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.adtriba = window.adtriba || [];
    window.adtriba.push(["track", "ProductViewed", {
        id: "e931d37e-8ca8-41b0-b6f0-95cb59e90afd",
        sku: "abcd1234",
        category_id: "shoes",
        brand: "Nike",
        name: "Air Max",
        currency: "USD",
        price: "79.99"

Product Added

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.adtriba = window.adtriba || [];
    window.adtriba.push(["track", "ProductAdded", {
        id: "e931d37e-8ca8-41b0-b6f0-95cb59e90afd",
        sku: "abcd1234",
        category_id: "shoes",
        brand: "Nike",
        name: "Air Max",
        currency: "USD",
        price: "79.99",
        quantity: "1",
        cart_id: "2770fb61-ecb1-4be4-9c68-ef5531ad6ce2"
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