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Integration of Adjust & Adtriba
János Moldvay avatar
Written by János Moldvay
Updated over a week ago

Integrating Adtriba & Adjust

Adtriba is an analytics platform.

Module partners can use additional and extended data from adjust and have been integrated with a custom module in adjust's backend. This guide describes how to activate the Adtriba module, as well as an additional setup that may be required or beneficial.

To integrate Adtriba with adjust, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the module by adding one or more tokens in the Adtriba panel in your dashboard.

  2. Toggle the Session Forwarding switch to ON to start sending session callbacks to Adtriba.

  3. Optionally, add event labels to your in-app events in your Adtriba panel to send in-app events to Adtriba.

  4. All set - adjust will transmit the requisite data to Adtriba.


1 - Activating the Adtriba module

All settings related to Adtriba can be found in your dashboard. Simply open your app settings and follow through to Partner Setup > Add Partners > Adtriba.

To activate the integration, enter your Adtriba tracker ID within this panel. You can find the required values in your Adtriba dashboard.

Once activated, adjust will automatically start sending click, install, reattribution, and (when activated) event and session callbacks to Adtriba.

1.1 - Forwarding events & revenue to Adtriba

You can also choose to transmit in-app events to Adtriba. Each in-app event can be activated separately, so as to give you complete control of the data that you're sharing with your partners.

  1. Open the Adtriba panel in your app settings.

  2. Select Event Linking and enter a name for each event you want to transmit to Adtriba. This is the name that will be shown in their interface. You can use the same names as you do in adjust if you wish. If you want to transmit all events to Adtriba with the same names as you have set up in adjust, you can hit the "Fill all with event names" button. You also have the option to use the same name for multiple events. If you do decide on doing this, it will result in those events displaying as a single event type in the Adtriba interface.

  3. If you also want to send associated revenues to Adtriba, you can activate Revenue Forwarding by flicking the corresponding switch above to "ON". To forward revenues, you have to activate event forwarding for at least one of your revenue events.

  4. As soon as you save these updated settings, adjust will start transmitting the in-app events that you have configured.

1.2 - List of parameters transmitted to Adtriba

Adtriba requires certain parameters to be passed to them via their module. When you activate their module, the following parameters will be automatically transmitted.

  • Random number

  • App metadata

  • Tracker token

  • Partial tracker names

  • Organic flag

  • Google click IDs

  • Adjust reference tag

  • Referrer values

  • User agents

  • IP addresses

  • Timestamps

  • Country

  • Locale

  • Device model

  • OS name and versions

  • Click label

  • Impression Based flag

  • Hashed device IDs

  • Raw device IDs

  • Attribution method

  • Random user ID

  • SDK Environment

  • Timezone

  • Session metadata

  • Last tracker

  • Time spent

  • Revenue data (if you activate it)

  • All partner parameters (if you activate them)

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