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Spend Mapper v3

Map your spend from to your Adtriba campaigns

János Moldvay avatar
Written by János Moldvay
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to matching costs from different platforms, the industry is facing one big challenge: the harmonization of campaign names between platforms to do proper spend matching.

In the previous versions of the Spend Mapper (V1 & V2) the Spend Mapper was based on mapping the campaigns. In this version of the Spend Mapper (V3), we added mapping at the source level.

The reason for this is the simplicity of mapping when you have a lot of campaigns. Nevertheless, you still have the possibility to map on campaign level if you want to do it.

In 2023, we launched the latest version of the Spend Mapper in Adtriba. The Spend Mapper gives you the opportunity to map your campaign costs coming from data aggregation/integration services (aggregated data with cost information) to the appropriate campaigns in Adtriba.

It is very important to finish the setup of the Channel Mapper in a proper way before going into the Spend Mapper, because the channels that are displayed in the Spend Mapper, come from the setup in the Channel Mapper.

Please note: Any changes taking place in the Channel Mapper need up to 2 days to also be visible in the Spend Mapper.

The Spend Mapper

Where to Find the Spend Mapper

You can conveniently configure and set up the account-level settings directly within Adtriba's user interface. This seamless integration allows you to access and manage the Channel Mapper with ease.

To access the Spend Mapper in the dashboard on the left-hand side, simply click on the coin icon. The Spend Mapper will automatically open, as depicted in the screenshot below.

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The Spend Mapper UI looks quite similar to the Performance Report UI. That is because they both follow the same structure, meaning they follow the same hierarchy. It displays the channels, within the channels, you can find the different sources that belong to that channel, and within the sources, you can find the corresponding campaigns.

How Does the Spend Mapper Work?

To explain how the Spend Mapper works, it is important to consider a few points. With these points, we can get a good overview of how to use it and what new advantages it offers compared to the previous version of the Spend Mapper.

  • Date and Project Selection:

In the upper part of the Spend Mapper, you will find (the same way it is displayed all over Adtriba’s User Interface) the date selection, where you can choose the dates to show in the performance report, etc. (see screenshot below).

It is important to note, that the Spend Mapper is not affected by this feature, it doesn’t matter what appears there while utilizing the Spend Mapper.

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On the other hand, it does matter where you are located in the project. Obviously, each project carries its own spend.

  • Helping Features:

In the top right corner of the Spend Mapper, we can see the UNMAPPED SPEND in red, which still needs to be mapped, as a helping feature that guides us through the Spend Mapper process.

We can also see an icon of a coin on the left side of it. If we click there, a little tab will pop up, with the sources imported from (source names match the ones in which are still not matched with any Adtriba campaigns.

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  • Channel View:

The new view of the Spend Mapper looks like the following screenshot:


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What we see on the screen is the setup of channels previously made in the Channel Mapper, which means, the configuration that was done in the Channel Mapper (Channel/Source/Campaign) will be shown here to make it easier to use the Spend Mapper.

In the general view of the Spend Mapper, you'll find several columns with valuable information. Here's what each column represents:

  1. Channel Number: This column displays the unique identification number of each channel.

  2. Channel Name: The second column showcases the names of the channels for easy identification.

  3. Channel Status: The third column indicates the status of the channel. If sources are mapped to the channel, they will be labeled as 'mapped.' Not all campaigns need to be mapped for a channel to be considered 'mapped.'

  4. Spend: The fourth column represents the total spend associated with each specific channel.

  5. Conversions: The fifth column represents the total conversions associated with each specific channel. This data gives you insights into the performance of each channel.

  6. Sources: In the sixth column, you'll find the count of sources contained within each channel, helping you understand the breadth of data.

  7. Mapped Sources: The last column shows how many of the sources within a channel are already mapped, providing visibility into the completeness of your mappings.

It's important to note that if a channel or source has no spending data, it will remain without mapping. This ensures a clear and accurate representation of your data in the Spend Mapper, allowing you to focus on relevant channels and campaigns.

  • Source View:

Upon clicking on a specific channel, let's take the example of "SEA Non-Brand" using the Adtriba Test Account, you will be directed to the dedicated view for that channel. In this view, you'll find the following:

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We can see the sources that belong to that channel, in this case, Bing and Google.

Important note: We won’t be able to click into a source and map their campaigns until they are mapped at the source level. With the same logic as in the previous view, we can see in the last two columns the campaigns that each source contains and how many of them we have already mapped.

To map a source, click on ‘Edit’ in the Status column, and the following window will pop up:

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Here we can set different groups of rules to map our sources, which is mandatory. Each group of rules can have one or more rules inside. The relationship between groups is OR while the relationship between the rules in each group is AND.

The last step in the Spend Mapper would be the one with more granularity: the campaigns. You can select which of the campaigns coming from match the ones in Adtriba.

Once your mapping is saved, it will take until the next morning before your mapping is applied to the reporting.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When mapping campaigns, in some sources I cannot find any campaigns in the dropdown; it is just empty. Is there a solution to fix this?

If this is the case, there is something not quite right with the rule you set up in the source view, because the rule doesn’t seem to select any campaign at all.

It pretty much restricts anything from showing up in the dropdown. Please check the rule in the source view again and try to correct it. Once corrected, the campaigns should show up in the dropdown menu.

2. When I change rules, will these changes be reflected in past data?

Yes, changes made in the spend mapper will be reflected in all data, including historical data.

3. Will there also be an option to add rules with conditions for medium, like in the Channel Mapper?

No, the campaign level is the maximum level of granularity in the Spend Mapper.

4. Why do some campaigns appear more than once in the dropdown? Does this have a reason, and which one would be correct?

A campaign can be part of more than one sub-platform. Meaning, if it is, the campaign will show up more than once in the dropdown if you didn’t set the rule to one specific sub-platform. You can be more specific with the rules in the source view, so only the desired campaigns will appear.

5. I can’t see which campaign has which sub-platform in the dropdown. So I can just choose one, or does it matter?

Unfortunately, there is no way to see in the dropdown which sub-platform belongs to which campaign. It is something that we have on our agenda, but with no exact ETA at this point. So for now, you would need to select all of the same campaigns or change your rule to the specific sub-platform that you’re looking for.

6. What if I can't find a fitting Adtriba campaign for my Funnel campaign?

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Granularity or/and Tracking Parameter Structure

In many cases, the naming convention of your media platform does not follow the naming convention of your tracking parameters. Hence, the campaign can be named differently for the exact same campaign in Adtriba and Funnel.

You could either increase the granularity of your funnel campaign naming if your Adtriba campaign uses adgroup instead of campaign. Or you need to ask your marketing managers for a ‘lookup table’ of platform names and tracking parameter naming conventions.

  • History is Too Old

By default, we pull a campaign history of 6 months from Funnel into Adtriba. If you recently started with us, it might happen, that the campaigns are already outdated and do not generate any traffic or conversions anymore. Thus, we won't show any campaigns in the Adtriba drop-down. In this case, you can just hide the campaigns.

  • No Conversions for your Respective Campaigns

We only show campaigns in the Adtriba drop-down that generated at least one conversion. If you can't find your campaign in the drop-down without any conversions attributed or if you still want to apply the costs for the respecting campaign to the source (Facebook), we do offer the possibility of creating an artificial campaign for each source, which only carries costs.

Please contact us for further information or the provision of the fallback campaigns.

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