How to connect Adtriba & Google Datastudio

In this article you will get to know how to set up the connection between the daily Adtriba Raw data export and your Google Datastudio.

János Moldvay avatar
Written by János Moldvay
Updated over a week ago

We totally understand that you might want to use the Adtriba results in your common reporting solution, hence you can combine different datasources and edit your existing reports easy and fast. By adding the Adtriba data youcan make sure that it's provided to everyone who will prepare reports.

We offer all clients the possibility to get our daily Rawdata exports, which will include all important dimensions and metrics. The export is provided via a postgreSQL Database.

Step 1 

If your Export is not active yet, please let us know that you want us to start exporting your data.

Step 2

Once we set up the export we'll give you the credentials to our server and your folder where your exports will be provided on a daily base from now on.

Step 3

Step 4 

Click 'add new datasoruce'

Step 5

Then select Data Source and select the PostgreSQL connector

Step 6

Configure access to our database using our credentials and the BASIC connection option

  1. Click AUTHENTICATE You will see a list of tables in that database

  2. Select a table

  3. Click CONNECT.

Step 7

As Datastudio is not able to detect schemas or dates automatically you can't just use the 'table' configuration. In order to make the configuration work you would need to select custom query and insert the following query:

SELECT "project_name", "conversion_id", "source", "medium", "campaign", "channel", "conversion_datadriven", "revenue_datadriven", "touchpoint_date"::date AS date FROM export.customer_journey

Each field you want to use from the customer journey or performance report needs to be included in your query. Please have a look here to see what fields are provided in the export.

The query above is only valid for the customer journey export, which provides you the most granular results on touchpoint level in an unaggregated form.

For most of your questions and usecases, the performance export would be probably more helpful. To get the data from the performance export you can use the following query (please note, the query does not contain all available columns. Please have look here to see all available columns).

SELECT "project_name", "spend", "source", "campaign", "channel", "conversion_datadriven_regular", "revenue_datadriven_regular", "date"::date AS date FROM export.performance

When your query is ready click connect.

If you are not using Google Datastudio:
Whenever your solution (Tableau, Power Bi, aso.) can be connected to PostgreSQL databases Step 1 and 2 will be exactly the same. 

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